Car Parking & Management

Gateway to adventure: car park management for tourist hotspots

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There are locations across the UK that see huge spikes in traffic and visits based on school holidays, the day...

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How does Autopay streamline your parking?

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Queues, congestion and problems with payment machines all contribute to frustration when trying to lxit a car park, but what...

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Can your parking data improve your services?

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If your site doesn’t move with the times, it can get left behind, giving your competitors a chance to gain...

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Adding to your car park: the benefit of additional services

Hotels and hospitality icon Car Parking & Management Leisure and tourism icon Leisure & Tourism

A car park is so much more than somewhere for people to leave a car. They can be a meeting...

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Maximising Revenue: How can parking boost a hotel’s bottom line?

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Generating revenue is vital for every business. For hotels that means driving more bookings, as well as encouraging other visitors...

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What’s the best way for your visitors to pay for parking?

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On car parks across the UK, millions of people pay for their parking every day. The solutions you provide to...

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How does ANPR work, and how does it benefit your car park?

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition, or ANPR has been a mainstay of car park management for several years, but it does...

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Why you need to embrace parking apps

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As a society, we have all become increasingly reliant on smart devices. It’s easy to see why. Access to information,...

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Cashless Payments and Mobile Apps: Revolutionising Car Park Transactions

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Habits change over time, in 2022 50% of all transactions in the UK were made via debit card, and 37%...

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Do you need parking permits?

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Depending on your business, its scale, and the sector you work in, you might assume that something like a parking...

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The technology turning your car park green

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Making a car park a more environmentally conscious place might sound like an impossible task, after all, it is filled...

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Driving better patient outcomes: How car park management supports UK healthcare

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Healthcare parking is often incredibly complex, not only do car parks need to juggle the different needs and changing situations...

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New Year, New Revenue Streams

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Every year it’s important to take stock of the previous twelve months, what could you do differently? What do you...

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How to help your customers adapt to changing services

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The world around us doesn’t stand still. Things change and the way we interact with brands, businesses and services evolves...

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Is overnight parking a lifeline for pubs and restaurants?

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If your car park is on private property, and you struggle with space, you could have problems with abuse. But...

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How can you stop people from parking on your private property?

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If your car park is on private property, and you struggle with space, you could have problems with abuse. But...

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Getting your car park winter ready

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When the colder months arrive you need to make sure that your site is ready to deal with the extra...

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Customer experience and your car park

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It may sound premature, but Christmas isn’t as far away as many people think, and for businesses being prepared for...

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Can a car park save the high street?

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Since the pandemic, the UK high street has been under almost constant pressure, from online sales to increased overheads and...

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Other businesses are using your car park, what can be done to stop this?

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For many businesses, having a dedicated car park is an invaluable asset. It not only provides convenience for customers and...

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How important is a car park when designing a building?

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When it comes to building design, it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetics, functionality, and space allocation. However,...

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How important is signage?

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One of the most important elements of a car park, and especially car park management, is the signage that’s in...

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The benefits of flexible parking payments

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Paying for parking is something almost everyone has had to do at some point in their adult life. Hundreds of...

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Getting your car park ready for summer

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The summer months represent a massive opportunity for businesses. The better weather, holidays, festivals, and local events that take place...

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How Pre-Booking Can Revitalise Your Car Park

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Businesses operate with an ebb and flow, with car parks reflecting this in peak times when they are incredibly busy...

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How can ANPR assist the healthcare sector?

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The healthcare sector has never been busier. Any steps that can be taken to streamline services, save time and improve...

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How has parking become more accessible?

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Accessibility is a major concern for businesses as meeting the needs of as many people as possible helps to increase...

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The Impact of Bay Management

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Businesses across the UK will have, at some point, had to field complaints from frustrated drivers because someone who doesn’t...

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How can your car park keep visitors coming back?

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For most businesses it’s absolutely crucial to create a sense of loyalty, not just to a brand or product, but...

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Which is better? ANPR or barriers

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Barriers protecting the entrances and exits to a car park aren’t the common sight that they used to be. Many...

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How important is a hotel car park?

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A hotel’s car park is an essential, and often overlooked, aspect of a hotel’s infrastructure. Getting parking right can make...

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Should I be pre-booking on my car park?

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Businesses need to look at every available opportunity to be able to drive footfall, increase visits, improve their customer experience,...

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What is complete car park management?

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Car parks have an incredible amount of untapped potential. Making the most of each site is a delicate balance of...

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Out of hours parking and how it impacts your bottom line

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From soaring bills to the cost-of-living crisis, businesses across the UK are under continuing strain at the moment and need...

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How can paid parking benefit schools and universities?

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Schools, nurseries, colleges, and universities provide support and guidance within communities, helping people grow, learn, and decide what they want...

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When should your visitors pay for parking?

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One of the first things a visitor does when they arrive on a car park is check when they have...

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Making more of your parking: The shift from parking to charging bays

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When most people look at a parking space, they will simply see a place to leave a car. However, as...

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Eight Parking Headaches (and how to treat them)

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All car parks differ and the solutions that help them succeed should be tailored to each individual site. However, car...

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How do you reach sustainability goals on an NHS site?

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The NHS has an ambitious environmental plan in place. The organisation represents 4% of the UK’s overall carbon emissions, so...

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The power of ANPR data

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Car parks generate masses of information. Every day we see millions of data points which fuel the insights and reporting...

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What Parking Data Is Most Important To Your Supermarket?

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Car parks generate masses of information. Every day we see millions of data points which fuel the insights and reporting...

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The Benefit of Going Cashless

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There has been a growing shift towards cashless payments. With more people having contactless technology at their fingertips, uptake was...

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How can parking support underfunded buildings and restoration?

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Across the UK, there are locations that are either underfunded or require donations to provide services, complete maintenance and perform...

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How can smarter EV charging help vehicle fleets?

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If your business has begun taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint and started to pursue net-zero status, then they...

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How to manage parking in protected areas

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There are locations like churches, listed buildings, areas of outstanding natural beauty, and heritage sites with parking facilities that are...

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What Are Your 2023 Car Park Resolutions?

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With the New Year, it’s a time to take a step back and look at what you need to do...

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How can charging bays boost sales?

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Retail sites need to look for every available opportunity to boost their sales, whether that’s exclusive offers, expanded ranges or...

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How to make parking part of the event

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One of the things that was missing during the pandemic was events. Concerts, shows, and sports are all moments that...

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How to improve parking in a frequent destination

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People are creatures of habit, visiting the same places, interacting with the same services, and parking in the same car...

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Can you transform your parking without breaking the bank?

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With everyone watching their spending at the moment it can be understandably hard to get approval to invest in parts...

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How many charging bays should a car park have?

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If you are looking at your car park and considering adding EV charging to the services you offer, you might...

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Can car park management help with anti-social behaviour?

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Car parks are a hive of activity, with staff, deliveries and visitors all coming and going throughout the day. The...

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The Challenge of Managing Multiple Sites

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The management of hotels is increasingly being split into regional clusters, groups of sites with the same management team responsible...

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Quiet car park or revenue opportunity?

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Does your car park have periods where it stands empty or is quieter than you’d like? While this might feel...

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How to use parking data to transform your visitor and staff parking experience

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In a medical setting such as the NHS, understanding is key. Whether that is understanding in terms of diagnosis and...

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Is your car park match day ready?

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Businesses have busy periods and moments when they are quieter. This is reflected in the car park. Empty spaces on...

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How does better parking management transform an NHS facility?

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For huge, complex organisations like the NHS, efficiency is key. Efficient and effective solutions are a major factor behind successful...

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More than a break, making more of a service station

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As people return to being more comfortable with travelling, the roads are full of people on holidays, commuting, or going...

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Good Hospitality Starts in the Car Park

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There is nothing worse than starting your interaction with a business stressed, especially when the whole purpose of your visit...

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How to make more of your empty parking spaces

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Businesses have busy periods and moments when they are quieter. This is reflected in the car park. Empty spaces on...

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How can a car park support a pub?

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It might sound strange to think of taking the car to the pub, but if your business involves food or...

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How can your car park drive stronger revenue?

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Car parks have an untapped potential to generate revenue. This revenue can be incredibly valuable to businesses as accessing increasingly...

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How can your car park help you to capitalise on busy periods?

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Car parks will always have peaks in activity. Retail parks, event spaces, tourist attractions or leisure facilities can see sudden...

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How can better parking improve access to your services?

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Your car park serves as a gateway to your business. It helps to support the services you offer and can...

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How to manage seasonal peaks on your car park

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From half terms and holiday seasons to weddings, festivals and sporting events, there are many reasons why car parks can...

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How can hospitality venues capitalise on their parking?

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The hospitality industry was hit hard by the pandemic. Bars and restaurants have had to close for months at a...

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Can your car park improve your student experience?

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With increasing student fees and a focus being placed firmly on what student life should be like, it is important...

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Do EV chargers make a difference to your car park?

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Change is a constant, the ways people interact with the world and the services that matter to them are continually...

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How do EV chargers enhance your car park?

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2030 isn’t that far away in the grand scheme of things, and for such a significant change to be effective,...

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How can Bay Management benefit your hotel

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A hotel is a place for people to relax, unwind and recharge after a trip or as part of a...

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How is your car park tackling the rise in electric vehicles?

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For electric vehicles to become the norm a huge infrastructure needs to be created, not just in big cities and...

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What should you do when there aren’t enough parking spaces on your site?

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There can be nothing more frustrating than making a trip somewhere and being unable to park when you arrive. It...

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Paving the way for EVs

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It’s almost globally accepted that to combat the effects of climate change society needs to adapt, habits need to change,...

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How does your free parking make you money?

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Many businesses utilise paid parking to access additional revenue streams. But what if your parking is free? How do you...

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How can your car park enhance your VIP experience?

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The majority of businesses want their guests or customers to have a memorable experience. Some businesses, such as event spaces,...

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How does Bay Management enhance your EV offering?

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Electric vehicle chargers are becoming an increasingly common sight on car parks across the UK. However, many motorists are concerned...

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How can Bay Management protect emergency services?

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For emergency services, efficiency is crucial. In emergencies, being able to access certain areas and get to those who need...

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Improving accessibility on car parks

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Accessibility is a huge part of making sure someone can travel conveniently and access the businesses and services that matter...

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How can your car park cope with sudden crowds?

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Some car parks are away from the hustle and bustle of town and city centres and in picturesque areas, near...

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How do you manage parking in a remote location?

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Some car parks are away from the hustle and bustle of town and city centres and in picturesque areas, near...

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How can your car park support your business?

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In an attempt to survive and continue to deliver the best possible services, businesses need to be leveraging every opportunity...

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Could you be generating additional revenue from your car park?

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Businesses across the UK have faced several challenges over the last few years. With Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic and currently...

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Are city workers stealing your revenue?

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As more workers are beginning to return to the office, it is important that you take steps to regain control...

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What does a return to the office mean for your car park?

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With the lifting of covid restrictions came many people looking forward to the world returning to normal. For millions of...

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How can protecting bays reduce parking anxiety?

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Easing anxieties around parking helps to make your car park a more inviting place for visitors.

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How planned car park management can enhance patient care

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In this blog, we’re explaining how better parking management can support and even improve patient care.

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How can I manage my parking but protect my reputation?

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Nobody likes to be told they’ve broken the rules, and nobody likes to receive a parking ticket as a result....

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The technology transforming the face of parking

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Car parks, at least on the surface, seem like reasonably low-tech places. It's easy to think that a car park...

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How to make a good car park great

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It’s easy to look at a car park and assume that it’s simply a place for staff and visitors to...

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How can your parking enhance brand reputation?

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For businesses, their reputation is everything. It helps reassure customers and acts as a sign of quality. A positive reputation...

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How to prepare your car park for a greener future

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There is an increasing focus on businesses taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and do more to promote sustainable ways...

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How is car park management regulated?

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A common accusation aimed at the parking management industry is that it is unregulated with rules that change and no...

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Solving parking headaches at coastal destinations

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Throughout the summer the UK’s coastline will be a popular destination for holidaymakers and families on day trips. This means...

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How can businesses capitalise on their parking?

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A car park is an important asset that can be taken for granted. Businesses need to leverage every opportunity to...

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How can smarter parking solutions support quieter sites?

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With many car parks currently quieter than usual and a genuine need to ensure customers return to a site when...

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How to improve the day-to-day operations of your car park

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There are many moving parts to a parking estate, dealing with technology, traffic flow and supporting motorists to name a...

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How to ensure parking payment compliance on your car park

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Paid parking has many benefits, both for you and for the overall experience of people wishing to park on your...

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What are the biggest parking issues facing NHS and healthcare sites?

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NHS and healthcare estates are large sites with a diverse user base and a range of requirements that need to...

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How can ANPR help deliver 5-star service?

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First impressions count for a lot. They’re an immediate judgement, and a negative one is hard to undo. Many businesses...

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Understanding the breadth of car park management

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Managing a car park takes a lot of time and effort. It’s an important capital asset for a business and...

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How to spot & tackle car park abuse

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Your car park is the gateway to your business. Getting your parking right helps to create a strong first impression...

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Mark’s View: The Covid-19 Ripple

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The Covid-19 pandemic has changed us all, in ways we may not even yet know or understand. In this post,...

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Mark’s View: Post-Covid Parking – What is the new normal?

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The crisis has taught us many things, both professionally and personally. Such as, how do teachers do the job they...

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How to reimagine your office parking during lockdown

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While COVID-19 has presented businesses with an obstacle to overcome there are also new opportunities. Chances to reimagine how a...

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Everything you need to know about contactless parking

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Motorists need safe and effective ways to pay for parking without a risk to them and businesses need to consider...

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Big Data and the Bigger Picture

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Big Data is big business in the current climate, with organisations of all types and sizes looking to leverage any...

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A Place for Big Data in Parking

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Big Data is instrumental for many businesses as they drive their operational excellence and make efficient and even innovative uses...

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Top 5 Tricks to Sort Out Your School’s Problematic Parking

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Whether it’s helping you solve the safety issues of dangerous parking and reducing the instances of public complaints, or giving...

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Car Park Management: Expectations Vs Reality

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Parking abuse is all too easy for people where there are little or no sanctions or enforcements in place to...

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Pavement Parking — Kicking it to the Kerb

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When we summon up a picture of parking nightmares we probably imagine bustling city centres, broken barriers at multi-storeys, or...

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Car park management signs: How important are they?

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There’s no sense in having rules on a site if there isn’t a way to inform people what they are....

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What is Car Park Asset Management?

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Your car park is a valuable and often largely untapped asset. In this blog we explain what you need to...

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Parking in the post-COVID-19 era

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Understand how the COVID ripple will affect business revenues way beyond tomorrow.

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Marks View: A personal reflection on COVID-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, whether you’re a small business or huge global giant.

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Parkingeye COVID-19 Update

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The world is now operating in unprecedented times and we’re doing all we can to support our people, our customers...

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How to convince senior managers to adopt car park management solutions

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Organisational resistance to change can occur at senior management tiers and across service-level operational teams - here's how to work...

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How can understanding your user demographic help guide your car park’s payment strategy?

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A fundamental part of car park optimisation is understanding how different types of motorists are using your facility to ensure...

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When in A Business Lifecycle Should Car Park Optimisation Become A Priority?

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In this post, we run through the four stages of a business’ lifecycle to help determine when car park optimisation...

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What Can Businesses and Landowners Learn from Newcastle – The UK’s Best City for Parking?

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According to research by, Newcastle is officially the UK’s best city for parking - here's what businesses and landowners...

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Tips for Business Owners to Improve Their Day-to-Day Operations

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Facilities managers and those involved with operations have a lot of duties to contend with at any given time, constantly...

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5 Smart Eco-Friendly Ways Your Business Can Save Money

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With sustainability an increasingly hot topic in the business world, there’s an increased focus on the ways that organisations can...

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Efficiently Managing Parking Spaces for Rent in Residential Car Parks

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A new trend that is becoming increasingly popular right now is renting out car parking spaces – with landowners looking...

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Can Businesses Monetise Their Car Park Without Incurring Any Upfront Costs?

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If you’re a business owner, then monetising empty or under-used car parking space can be a profitable endeavour. The oft-overlooked...

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How to prevent unauthorised parking and abuse in your car park

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Unauthorised parking and abuse can create all sorts of problems for landowners, businesses and customers alike. From loss of revenue...

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Do You Offer the Right Car Parking Payment Options?

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With regards to payment options, we know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to finding the one that’s right for...

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Everything you need to know before sending something out to tender

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For those operations managers and business owners of SMEs in need of advice, this introductory guide will seek to provide...

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How to Get Management Buy-In: Stakeholder Tips from the Experts

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When managed properly, introducing change into a company is a necessary and productive practice that has the potential for marked...

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How to plan and build a car park; A guide for project profesionals

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Using our knowledge and experience, we’ve put together some valuable information that’s especially useful prior to starting car park design...

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Car Park Optimisation: How to Increase Profit from Capital Assets

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Across a range of sectors, the optimisation of car parks in order to increase profit is often an untapped source....

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Contingency Planning: How to Ensure Business Continuity

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In creating a contingency plan, it’s important to identify the potential risks or failures that might pose problems. In doing...

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ANPR for Car Parks: How Does It Work and What Are the Benefits?

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Often used by law enforcement agencies to identify vehicles and suspects, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology is a highly...

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Effective Car Park Management – Relieving The Strain on Facilities Teams

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For those facilities teams who are seeing operational budgets squeezed and capital expenditure cut, there is a temptation to hold...

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Solving The Parking Headache For City/Town Centre Businesses

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It’s common for busy town and city centres to lack adequate parking and local businesses often suffer as a result,...

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Sports and Leisure Parking: Challenge or Opportunity?

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The rise in leisure activities in the UK poses new opportunities for those businesses, and surrounding car parks, but with...

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Finding The Right Car Park Management Partner – Efficiency to Drive Cost Out

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Here, we discuss some key operational factors that really matter when picking your perfect partner.

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Finding The Right Car Park Management Partner – The Best Support

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Undeniably, finding a perfect technical solution will transform the experience for both your users and internal teams alike but it’s...

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Finding The Right Car Park Management Partner – Ethical Considerations

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The rise in cars on the road combined with limited parking availability continues to create a pinch around the issue...

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Car Park abuse – Ideas to help mitigate the impact of poor parking on your site

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Headlines about drivers parking inappropriately just to get nearer their destination are, unfortunately, not uncommon.

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Transforming the customer experience to create market differentiation

Hotels and hospitality icon Car Parking & Management

In this post, we discuss how you can use your customer experience to really set yourself apart from market competition.

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