Quiet car park or revenue opportunity?

Does your car park have periods where it stands empty or is quieter than you’d like?

While this might feel like a cause for concern, there are ways to turn your car park’s quieter moments to your advantage.

You can transform your car park into a powerful revenue generation tool by leveraging those empty spaces. One that can bolster your bottom line and help your business to thrive.

An empty underground car park ith yellow pillars
An empty underground car park ith yellow pillars

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What causes empty space on a car park?

There are many reasons that a car park might have empty space, some are more easily fixed than others. Prolonged abuse might have deterred genuine customers, meaning that as the abuse is fixed through ANPR and enforcement it might take time for the customer to return. Or, you might have a business with much more noticeable peaks and troughs in use, such as gyms potentially being more popular in the morning and evening, leaving larger quieter periods during the day.

You might even notice it based on seasonality, a tourist attraction for instance might be busier in the warmer months or during school holidays while being quieter during term time. Quieter periods can be troubling for a business, especially as an empty car park might equate to fewer visitors or customers, but that space, when turned to your advantage, can become a useful asset.

How do you leverage empty space?

The first step is to identify just how much empty space you have.

This can vary, however, the capacity and usage data your car park generates can help you identify when your peaks and troughs in usage are. From there you can begin to promote your empty space for pre-booking.

The process for pre-booking is simple.

This easy-to-use system allows businesses to fill empty spaces and generate additional revenue without additional admin.

  • Businesses list their surplus parking space on a pre-booking platform
  • Motorists looking for parking in an area find spaces online
  • The motorists arrange when they want to park and how long for
  • They pay for their parking in advance
  • Motorists then park and leave their car park as normal with ANPR tracking their time on site

When can you capitalise on empty spaces?

Pre-booking is a fantastic way to capitalise on quieter periods in a car park. But what about when your site would normally be empty anyway, such as when your business is closed?

Pre-booking would allow you to make more of your parking overnight too. For example, if your car park is near an event space or sporting arena. Pre-booking would allow you to offer parts of your car park to visitors heading elsewhere looking for convenient parking near their destination.

Whenever you have surplus spaces on your car park you could be promoting those bays for pre-booking. As the car park owner, you still retain complete control over the car park and can turn off bookings for spaces whenever you want.


How does pre-booking benefit my business?

Aside from the obvious increase in revenue that comes from pre-booking, there are several ways that it can support your business and boost your revenue.

Firstly, you draw additional people to your site, which can increase the footfall to your business. This lets you attract new customers.

Secondly, an effective pre-booking service can help you encourage repeat visits to your car park.

Finally, your business gains access to an invaluable new revenue stream that can be invested into other areas of your business, strengthening your wider offering, and transforming how you operate.

See how much revenue you could potentially generate from your car park.


Helping you to unlock your car park’s revenue potential

Car parks have an untapped potential, where they can net businesses a surprising amount of extra revenue while providing the public with access to convenient parking in areas that suit them.

At Parkingeye, we are experts at helping businesses maximise the revenue their car parks can generate. With a range of tailored solutions, including Pre-Booking, we can help you turn empty spaces into a lucrative revenue stream that can make a business more sustainable.

To find out more about Pre-Booking and the other ways Parkingeye could help your business to thrive, get in touch using the form.