ANPR Car Park Enforcement

It’s important that you have clear rules in place on your parking site.

By deterring customers, causing obstructions and abusing the parking in place, problematic parking behaviours can do major harm to a site and any business connected to it.

ANPR Enforcement helps to ensure the rules in place on a site are followed and negative parking behaviours are eradicated, transforming what would have been a negative parking experience into a much more positive one.


ANPR camera
ANPR camera

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How does ANPR Enforcement work?

ANPR operates in a similar way to CCTV, where cameras (usually positioned at entry/exit points on a site) capture number plates of all vehicles as they enter/exit the car park. The evidence captured by the ANPR camera is then combined with vehicle behaviour within the car park to create an accurate picture of car park usage and issue a parking charge to those breaking the rules.

The accuracy and effectiveness of ANPR enforcement have made it a ‘go-to’ service for efficient car park management.

Is your site ready for ANPR?

Whilst ANPR is incredibly flexible, it’s not for everybody. By answering a few quick questions, we can confirm whether your site will suit ANPR technology.

It only takes 2 mins ➡

What are the benefits of ANPR?

ANPR is the foundation for so many of the services that can have a major impact on your car park and support your business.

You can enhance your car park in many ways using ANPR including:

  • Offering a greater number of highly accurate paid parking options to increase revenue and help tailor your site to your users’ needs.
  • Tapping into powerful insights to get a true picture of site performance and user behaviour.
  • Protecting your car park against abuse and deterring misuse.
  • Giving your visitors access to the spaces they need through pioneering Bay Management.
  • Enable services like pre-booking, enhanced parking permits and protected EV charging to improve visitor experience.

Manage individual parking spaces with ANPR – disabled bays, EV spaces and more…

Our patented, proprietary Bay Management Bollard allows you to transform your priority parking and ensure that the crucial spaces on your car park are available when they are needed. From blue badge and parent and child bays to designated ambulance spaces, we’re able to prevent high-priority areas from being misused by drivers, ensuring greater accessibility, service, and safety. Our bollard can also be added to any existing EV infrastructure, helping to protect your investment against ICEing.


Complementary ANPR Services

Ethical Parking Enforcement

Parkingeye’s approach to enforcement is firm yet responsible, focusing on providing a positive experience for genuine customers while protecting the client’s brand reputation. They work closely with clients to develop customised solutions tailored to each site’s specific needs. This includes creating detailed site plans, designing appropriate signage, handling all aspects of installation, and managing enforcement paperwork in line with the client’s operational preferences.

Quality assurance is a cornerstone of their process. Each potential contravention undergoes a rigorous 21-step audit before any parking charge or warning notice is issued. A dedicated Quality Assurance team, supported by a powerful back-office system, ensures flexible management of parking facilities. For motorists, a Driver Portal provides easy access to parking charge information, payment options, and the appeals process.

Our fair appeals process is managed by over 60 specially trained experts. They review each appeal on a case-by-case basis, adhering to parameters set by the client. Their expertise is reflected in their impressive 82% success rate with POPLA (the Independent Appeals Service), which is significantly higher than the industry average of 49.4%.

This ethical enforcement strategy aims to strike a balance between effective parking management and customer satisfaction, resulting in improved space utilization and a positive parking experience for legitimate users.

Explore FAQ's on Automatic Number Plate Recognition

  • Does Parkingeye monitor my ANPR solution to make sure it's working?

    Yes, we do. Our internal automated network and application monitoring systems constantly check over 2,000 areas of our system, providing real-time alerting of every aspect of the platform to keep you covered. We supplement this with external third party monitoring, which provides a failover and alerting should a major event occur.

  • How much does it cost to install ANPR technology?

    Installation, management, and ongoing maintenance can be completely free of charge. However, this is very much dependant on your car park which is why we send our expert sales team out to review your site to ensure our ANPR solution is a good fit for both you and Parkingeye.

  • What is ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)?

    ANPR stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition. It is a technology for reading vehicle number plates without human intervention, delivered using cameras and character recognition. ParkingEye is the market leading provider of ANPR on private land and utilises the latest in ANPR technology to provide a reliable and effective automatic parking management solution. Our solution comprises of dedicated ANPR cameras, image processing servers, wireless communication devices and connectivity technologies such as ADSL and 3G.

  • Do Parkingeye's ANPR systems work all year round?

    Absolutely. Parkingeye’s ANPR solution is available 24/7, 365 days a year. To ensure that any downtime is minimised, all on-site equipment is pro-actively monitored, including remote diagnostics capability and with the ability to schedule remedial work required immediately. So much so, that in the rare occasions we do find an issue, we’ve fixed it before clients have even noticed.

  • How do you differentiate between a genuine customer and a non-customer?

    We start by understanding your business, your challenges and your customers/genuine users before we do anything to ensure we present the right solution from our large inter-changeable portfolio.Every solution is bespoke, whether your site suits an in-store terminal to determine who’s spent money with you or would benefit from a pre-booking facility which matches vehicles on entry. Talk to us about your concerns, let’s go from there.

  • What types of business or car park is ANPR suitable for?

    Whether you have a 25-space surface car park or manage a complex estate with sites spread across multiple locations, our solutions can be tailored to suit the way you operate and easy to integrate with other systems. Our specialist team support thousands of businesses across the UK, from small businesses right through to some of the largest brands in the UK, including 3 of the UK’s largest supermarkets. We’re here to help you too, even if you’re simply looking for advice.

  • What happens if one of my customers receives a parking charge notice?

    There’s nothing more important than reputation. We work closely with clients to understand who’s using their car park and what constitutes a ‘genuine’ user to create a solution to suit your operation perfectly. Prior to issuing any Parking Charge or Warning Notice, we conduct a 21-step audit which gives us an 82% ‘upheld’ rate at the Independent Appeals Service’s (POPLA) giving us the best record of the major operators. In rare instances where a customer is issued with a PCN, it should never be a battle to request a cancellation, although we’ll always offer advice on setting precedents for certain scenarios.

  • What other solutions does Parkingeye's ANPR integrate with?

    We’ve worked on and managed thousands of car parks, and no two are the same. That’s why, in addition to ANPR, we work hard to provide all of the flexible parking solutions and functionality to meet whatever needs you may have, including payment machines, handheld devices, pre-payment apps, real-time diagnostics, permit management systems, barriers and much, much more.