Pre-booking solutions It’s vital that even in quieter times your car park is working hard for your business. By leveraging the power of ANPR and the depth of data and reporting it enables, we can help you get the absolute best from your site. During quiet periods or out-of-hours your car park likely stands empty or potentially gets abused by non-customers. With our pre-booking solutions, we’re able to monitor when your car park is quieter and allow the public to book your surplus parking spaces. This can transform your car park, generating a new margin-rich revenue stream for your business from an unused capital asset but also making life easier for your community. Get in touch Watch our video Explore more How does pre-booking work? The process for pre-booking is incredibly simple. Spaces are listed online and then motorists can arrange the length of their stay and pay for their parking in advance. Perfect for planning ahead and removing the stress of finding parking in an unfamiliar area, while helping businesses like yours access an untapped revenue stream. Interested? Get in touch today Can I use my spaces to generate revenue? If you have empty space on your car park, then Evology Pre-Booking could be the perfect option to help your car park work harder. Demands on parking in the UK are high, with motorists wanting affordable and convenient access to safe places to leave their car. There are over 33 million cars on UK roads, pre-booking can drive some of that traffic to your site. People want to park in the space that’s right for them, sometimes large multi-storey sites aren’t the right option and people want to park nearer a specific business or their workplace. Evology Pre-Booking allows drivers to find spaces in locations that are better suited to them and in the process help you turn those empty spaces on your car park into a valuable, source of income. Renting out space is easy and gives motorists access to pre-paid parking, perfect the increasingly cashless world we live in. Your unused spaces can transform an area, increasing footfall for local businesses and providing a recognisable lift to revenues not just for your business but potentially those in surrounding areas. How do I know if I have spaces? Understanding your available spaces is easy. ANPR data can reveal a clear picture of your car park’s capacity. We’re able to utilise the ANPR data your car park produces to create an accurate picture of available capacity and calculate the appropriate number of bays you could offer for pre-booking. We understand that business needs change and that peaks and troughs in capacity can happen. This is why the number of spaces on offer can be flexible. It’s your car park, you remain in control and can adjust the spaces available at any time. We make the whole process easy… The pre-booking process couldn’t be easier – what’s more, after the initial setup, it all runs in the background. Your quiet times are tracked & understood automatically, and your underused spaces will start to generate you margin-rich revenue, all on their own. You can find out more about Evology Pre-booking in our brochure below: Download our brochure Create a listing List a space with us for free – we then create a page which you can use to showcase your site or direct customers to. You have control over the way your site is accessed guaranteeing it suits your needs. Once you are happy with it, the page goes live. Drivers book spaces Depending on your business, motorists or guests can search for a pre-bookable space on the Evology Parking App or be directed to a dedicated parking page for your business, as part of a booking process. Once they find their space, they select the time and date of their stay and make payment. We then manage all the admin, from email confirmations for the motorists to monthly reporting for you. You get paid Each month the earnings you make from your parking are deposited directly into your bank account. You have complete control over your listings; we can start small, with a few spaces listed, scaling up over time or if you aren’t satisfied or something needs to be changed, the service can be paused or cancelled at any time. See how Evology Pre-Booking can generate you new margin-rich revenue… To find out more about Evology Pre-Booking, and to see if your site is viable to make use of it, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us; we’d be more than happy to chat with a potential client or current customer, regardless of the sector that they’re in. Fill in the relevant details, along with your enquiry, problem or concern and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. First name *Last name *Email *Telephone Number *Company *Postcode *MessageHow did you hear about us? 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