How to improve parking in a frequent destination

People are creatures of habit, visiting the same places, interacting with the same services, and parking in the same car parks every week.

Supermarkets and major retail outlets will see the same customers week in, week out, with customers working their trip into their routine. These are businesses that can almost guarantee footfall in many instances, but what impact could improving your parking have?

Trolleys parked in a supermarket
Trolleys parked in a supermarket

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Changing paid parking to boost revenue

Large car parks like those operated by supermarkets can have powerful revenue potential. During their opening hours, a car park is filled with customers, but when a shop is closed, the site may stand empty or be misused.

An empty car park could be transformed into spaces for prebooking, allowing motorists looking for parking to pay and park in the available space. This can reduce abuse on a car park and help turn empty parking spaces out of hours into a powerful revenue generation tool.

Adding new services

Certain destinations become part of people’s routines. While a location might be a constant, someone’s needs can change over time.

Your car park should follow suit.

New services allow you to cater to your customer’s changing needs. Whether that is adding Bay Enforcement to your car park to protect priority spaces, such as disabled bays, the adoption of EV charging to cater to the ever-increasing numbers of electric vehicles on British roads or introducing more up-to-date ways of paying for parking.

Your car park should reflect your wider business focus of catering to your customers, which extends beyond the front door and can go a long way to enhancing the first and last impression your brand makes on anyone who visits your site.


Greater focus on accessibility

Frequent destinations such as supermarkets are used by an array of people with a variety of needs. This is why it’s important to ensure you provide services that allow people to access your business easily.

Priority spaces on a car park are not a new invention. Many of us at various points will have seen those spaces misused, such as someone parking in a disabled space because they were in a rush. This means someone who genuinely needs that space is suddenly looking for a parking space elsewhere, driving around the car park potentially causing additional congestion and potential complaints.

Bay Enforcement lets you eradicate these problems, protecting priority spaces for those who genuinely need them. Coupled with easy-to-use tablets and payment options, you can make your car park a much more streamlined and easier site to use.


Why improving a frequent destination matters

Whenever you fall into a routine, there is a certain amount of expectation that goes along with this. Changes to a car park, especially those that add new services or make the experience on-site better, are going to be much more noticeable because they go against those expectations.

This helps to make a car park stand out and subsequently draws more attention to your business. Existing customers comment on the changes and talk about them, which suddenly generates word-of-mouth promotion for your site. The changes also give your internal marketing teams something to announce and promote, drawing in new customers.

Simple changes can subsequently boost footfall as your car park now caters to more people, which in turn, drives additional revenue and turnover for your business.

Bay Enforcement lets you eradicate these problems, protecting priority spaces for those who genuinely need them. Coupled with easy-to-use tablets and payment options, you can make your car park a much more streamlined and easier site to use.

How can we help you to make more of your car park?

At Parkingeye, we have almost 20 years of experience helping businesses transform their parking. We use our extensive experience to provide our clients with the right mix of solutions and services to create a better parking experience and then support every site we manage with ongoing maintenance and insight.

To find out more about how we can help you make more of your car park, get in touch using the form.